after care instructions.

  • You will receive this copy of aftercare instructions in your confirmation email

  • On the day of appointment, we will go over the aftercare together to answer any questions or concerns you may have

  • Ointment will be provided for you along with my contact information in any case you have questions

    Download a copy here.

What to Expect After the Procedure:

  • Swelling is minimal in most cases, but will disappear within 24 hours

  • You will experience a slight tight feeling around the eyebrows, it may feel just a little tender

  • Your eyebrows may feel slightly itchy 

  • If redness occurs, it will go away within 24 hours

After Care Instructions:

Day Of:

  • Gently dab your eyebrows with a clean tissue every few hours following your appointment

Day 1-7 Daily Cleansing:

  • Twice a day, with a gentle cleanser (Cetaphil, Baby wash/shampoo or Dove soap), softly rub brows in a circular motion and rinse off

  • Pat gently until brows are dry – DO NOT WIPE OR RUB

  • If you are scabbing and flaking, you may dab your eyebrows with a damp cotton pad to clean it instead

Day 1-7 Moisturizing after Cleansing:

  • Twice a day, apply a rice-grain size amount of ointment on each brow with a clean cotton tip after cleansing

    • Do not over apply – this will suffocate your eyebrows and ruin your healing

  • Ointment should not be visible when applied


  • You may discontinue the aftercare once all your scabs have fallen off naturally. Once scabs are completely off, you may now resume your regular routine (sweating, showering, makeup etc).

*  *  *  *  *  IMPORTANT  *  *  *  *  *


  • Picking at your brows/scabs - it can cause scarring and affect the outcome!

  • Getting your eyebrows submerged in water for too long

  • Excessive sweating, any swimming or tanning for at least 14 days

  • Face scrubs, chemical peels or botox for at least 14 days

  • Wearing makeup on the eyebrows during the scabbing period - your eyebrows are an open wound and using makeup may cause potential infections


enjoy the joy of waking up made up!